iAlert Facility




By using iAlert Facility, clients, supervisors and management can learn the location and status of their staff at any time, can receive briefings in real time about whether a person (technician, guard, patrol or facility staff) has passed a specific checkpoint which was assigned to him/her or whether he/she has signalled for help for a problem that arose (in the event of a threat, fire or medical emergency).The iAlert Facility solution is intended to allow companies to devise a precise schedule of facility operations, and of course, check the performance and quality of work of their staff. The staff can easily install the app on his/her smartphone and work according to the work schedule assigned to him/her or freely record the work done at the sites he/she visits.iAlert Facility use location services in the background so as to track your position and send these data to a Security Operation Center (S.O.C.) The aim of this action is the immediate response, by the SOC team for your safety and only. When the option is enabled, the iAlert Facility app can track the locationof the phones device on the background, even if the app is not being used orits not open.